Director, Shirley Frimpong Manso with actor Joseph Benjamin

Over the weekend, l had lunch with ten young talents who have the burning desire to become actors and actresses. This meeting was just to help them understand the dynamics of the acting world and how best they can build a brand around their name and further build a business out of their brand.

Most of them only thought acting was all about the lights, cameras and the director calling "action". Little did they know it was way beyond their expectations. After a successful meeting, l recommended my earlier article (The Untold Truth of Becoming An Actor: ) to them. A few googled and after reading, ask when l will complete the piece. I have decided to continue this piece because many are the up and coming ones who need all of us for the betterment of the creative arts industry.

Our last piece ended on number five with is ( Have the Passion and Make Acting Your Choice and Commitment) So now let us journey on.

6. Just play:

Actress Yvonne Nelson
In the world of acting, when all odds are against your performance, you just have to play. As long as you don't have the experience or as a novice on the acting playground, Never forget to play. This is one of the advice only a few can tell you.
Truth is, not many really understand this point. Playing on set doesn't mean you should joke with the role assigned you. It simply means, you should do your best to take the role easy and just allow yourself into character. Children are a prime example of actors with no experience, and yet in movies children have turned out some of the most convincing, and moving performances in the history of cinema.
As part of the managing team of Ghanaian Hollywood actor, Abraham Attah, l can boldly tell you, children are one of the most convincing actors. Abraham's role and performance tells the world that sometimes, it not all about your experience and training. Abraham Attah in the movie "Beasts of No Nation" was just himself as a child and played according to his age and imaginations. He was simply natural and totally himself under directions.
Children are so mesmerizing to watch because they have not forgotten what it is like to play, and explore. Children are not afraid to look stupid, and neither should you.

7.  Don’t Take Rejection To Heart
Actress Luckie Lawson

Actors get rejected all the time, but you shouldn’t take it to heart. You may have simply failed the audition because you have black hair and the producers want a blonde, or because you’re taller than they’d like or because they found your accent wasn’t quite right — all factors that you have no control over. With acting, the rejection quite simply can be that, though you’re great at what you do, you weren’t the physical type the producers were looking for.
You probably heard of the actor George Clooney, right? You think he had it easy?
Listen to his story:“I didn’t become really successful until I was in my thirties. I can still remember sitting on the closet floor of my buddy’s house, completely broke. My friends would want to go out to dinner, to get a hamburger, and I couldn’t afford to go. They had the money to pay, but I didn’t want them to pay. That happened a lot. At one point, I remember my buddy Brad loaning me a hundred dollars. He’s now running our production company. I’m still paying that debt off, you know?” (Source: Made Man)

8. Be Patient

This is one tip most people would not like to hear at all. Whenever someone has a burning desire and it becomes an obsession, the last thing the fellow wants to hear is PATIENCE.
It is understandable your desire to showcase your talent but on the road to success, PATIENCE is a bottle of fruit juice which relaxes your nerves and enable you assess your path and plan ahead.
Patience doesn't mean you should rest or relax or go to bed on your desires. Patience means not allowing your desire make you take the wrong path to success. Remember one thing, in this arts industry, talent you have naturally but you also need the skill to be successful. Failures and challenges all help build your acquisition of skills for the journey ahead.
 I have heard of stories where young people end up giving themselves sexually to some producers just to have a role in a movie. This is not the way to go so simply be patient and pursue your dreams.

9. Be The Exposure

This is probably the number 1 tip on how to become an actor:
Constant and repeated exposure. Get your self in front of casting directors, agents, producers, and other powers that be, and they’ll begin to recognize you. People do business only with those that they know, like, and respect. That’s how to get into acting. Even if they turn you down, it is still getting yourself known and remember most famous actors were all rejected at the start of their acting careers.

Today, there are many opportunities especially with social media. It has a large market and connecting and sharing your own works via this means can get you the exposure you seek. The likes of Kalybos and Ahuofe Patri (Boys Kasa fame) have made it happen. The internet is a strong tool to the exposure your want. Don't forget your friends and family as well. When someone gets to know of your talent, it is to your advantage.
Again, you can also volunteer to be part of a crew to assist during a film production and as time go on, you get to know more of the production people who can recommend you to directors, producers and casting directors.

10. Acting is a Business First
A cross section of actors and actresses

I know, you love the lights, the camera, the action. But don’t romanticize what you’re doing here, you’re a business first and an artist second.
You are an entrepreneur with a product to sell. You’re selling you. Your face, your body, your voice, your acting skills, your singing skills, etc. All working actors understand this concept. Like l always, as an artist, you are your brand. Credit:Made Man

My name is Ntiamoah Williams, your Brands and Communications Strategist. Always remember, Brand or Be Branded.
FACEBOOK: Ntiamoah Williams